What kids are saying

February 4, 2025


Recently students in Campus Life wrote letters for their YFC Ministry Leaders. Here’s what they said!

Campus Life has impacted me majorly. Over the past four years that I have been attending, God has blessed me and shown me who he is. I’ve gotten to serve as the student president of Campus Life at my school, and God has shown me what I am meant to do. Being a leader and serving in youth ministry, I’ve learned how to speak in large crowds, love God’s people, share my testimony at school and serve at events outside of school. I give God glory for all of the opportunities that Youth For Christ has given me.”

“Thank you so much for sacrificing your time to serve God in schools full of kids who don’t know Jesus! It’s because of people like you who serve God that we get to do Campus Life” – Micah

“I have been going to club for 2 years at Garza. I had an unfortunately family situation that affected me so much I dropped out of cheer, dealt with  harmful thoughts and struggled with communication and  my identity. When I first started to go to club I noticed Nate’s over welcoming energy and extremely kind heart. He introduced himself before I said anything and for the first time in years I felt like someone truly cared about me. He made such a difference in my life that I came back to club. My brother went to the club and told me how he changed his life to. After that I knew I was all in for club & God.

“Campus Life has changed my life by holding me accountable and making me more Christian. This helped actually create a relationship with God and find my true purpose in life. And this was all possible because of our amazing leaders.”

It is a privilege to hear the discipleship progress in a kid’s story. And it’s an even greater honor that God would use YFC leaders to be a part of it. Thank you for praying, giving, and going that kids would have a relationship with Jesus. It’s truly life changing!

“I have come that they may have life, life to the full” – John 10:10