What changes everything?

March 9, 2023


It has become a tradition with Youth For Christ to host an annual Super Bowl party. This year, we had the opportunity to partner with Saint Rest Baptist Church and co-run an AMAZING event. About 200 people showed up, which included teens from school campuses and group homes around Fresno.

A talented team of grillers from Saint Rest barbequed up mountains of food. Multiple TVs were set up for the big game, along with corn hole, an intensive round of UNO (yes, that is a thing), video games, and lots of basketball. This was all done to create a fun and engaging space where kids feel safe and welcome.

There was even a group of teens who had, so far, been unwilling to come to any YFC events. For whatever reason, they were willing to say yes to this one, and they had a great time eating, playing games, and spending time with their YFC leader.

Though events like the Super Bowl party are fun, the primary goal is to build and strengthen relationships between teens and supportive adults in their lives. A Harvard study states that: “The single most common factor for children who develop resilience is at least one stable and committed relationship with a supportive parent, caregiver, or other adult…”. In other words, even if a young person is going through difficult life experiences, having a caring adult to walk beside them can change their life.

At YFC, we have the opportunity to be those adults and invest in young people. And while building relationships, we can share the most important relationship they could ever have. And that is a relationship with Jesus.

Teens today are facing certain challenges like never before. Mental health struggles like anxiety and depression are on the rise, which can feel overwhelming. But if a young person knows that a reliable adult is here for them, AND knows that the God who created them is here for them…THAT can change everything.

– Aubrey, Ministry Director