65 YFC teens went to summer camp alongside a few hundred kids from the local church!
Of our group, 9 made first-time decisions to follow Jesus, 6 rededicated their lives to Jesus, and 23 got baptized! Praise Jesus!
This camp was as fruitful as it was challenging. The 12 leaders we brought to camp faithfully walked beside these teens throughout the week. They were present for breakthroughs as well as breakdowns.

You will notice the young man being baptized in one of the pictures. His name is Benny and he gave his life to Jesus at this past winter camp. He has since been plugged into a local youth group and participated in discipleship training. Benny has been through more than a 14-year-old should have but he is resilient. He has made the decision not to let the world take him down and, instead, put his trust fully in Jesus.
At this past camp, he decided he was ready to take that next step of baptism. And let me tell you, it was an emotional moment. Please pray for Benny and the other campers as they begin the new school year. Pray they surround themselves with people and spaces that will draw them closer to Jesus.
Every year, we question whether camp is worth the trouble. It costs a lot of money and it is exhausting. And every year, we come to the same conclusion…YES! In so many teens’ lives, camp is the start of everything changing.
Thank you for taking part in their journey towards Jesus!
Aubrey Bisher
Director of Ministry