It’s pretty easy to be skeptical about a hand raised for Jesus. You might think it doesn’t mean enough, cost enough, or ensure any of the next steps for discipleship. Yet I cannot get away from the simple, Biblical truth that salvation comes in an instant to those who believe in Jesus. A little hand raised may just mean more than you thought.
Do you remember your first “Yes” to Jesus? There are many profound reasons someone first enters the doorway of faith. Maybe for you it was the hope for heaven (Jn 14:3), longing for community (1 Cor 12:12-27), need for significance (2 Cor 5:20), truth (Jn 14:6), love (Jn 3:16), or family (Eph 2:19). Others come to Christ to know their identity (Eph 4:11-16), experience reconciliation (2 Cor 5:19), peace (Col 1:20), healing (Jer 17:14) or wholeness (1 Thes 5:23). There is more than meets the eye compelling the seed of faith.
Your little “yes” is a profound thing because of God’s powerful “Yes” in Christ. He promises that those who ask will receive, and those who seek will find, and to those who knock, the door will be opened (Matt 7:7). Every promise of God finds its fulfillment in Jesus (2 Cor 1:20). Those doorways of faith, the little hands raised, do actually lead you into the room of salvation. They lead us to God himself. Hallelujah!

So what are you saying Yes to these days? Lately I’ve seen more than a few:
- Over 30 kids gave their lives to Christ at Kastner and Glacier Point Campus Life!
- A donor who recently passed gave from the wealth of her assets that her support would continue for decades beyond.
- A high school student named Elizabeth invited her non-Christian friend to club on campus for the very first time, and she had fun.
- Friends of the ministry are taking in two YFC grads who are just getting started on their own in college.
- Over 200 folks gathered for the Group Life Dinner to worship God, celebrate ministry growth and partner for the future including Mr. Wiens who offered technical training for kids.
Keep saying Yes to Jesus. Listen to His voice, do what He says, and keep growing in your relationship with Him. I get that there is reason enough for skepticism about our feeble Yeses. This is why the Bible, more than once, implores us to walk it out, live it out and make our election sure. We need the ongoing watering, good soil, and sunlight, for sure. But do not forget that your first “Yes” has led to every other one behind it. And so, just keep going. You’re already through the doorway!
For Every Kid,
P.S. The mission for YFC’s Group Life ministry is a Christ-sharing connection for every kid, in every home. We need your help to expand! Pitch in $37/mo to help YFC connect another kid, Thanks!