“You learned it from Epaphras” (Col 1:7).
Everybody meets Jesus through someone else. For the Colossians it was from Epaphras, the prayer warrior and fellow servant that they first heard the gospel. And it was through Epaphras that Paul hears about their faith and pens the letter we now read (1:7, 4:12). This is the great relay race of God’s kingdom ministry.
I was thinking of Epaphras because two weeks ago David Delgado, who just finished his internship with YFC and joined staff, had the honor of baptizing two boys in YFC’s Group Life Ministry alongside Pastor John Drotos.
David first met Daniel as he was fresh out of juvenile hall. Daniel shared his story with lots of failures being met by God’s redemption. He wanted out of the old life and needed God’s help to stick to the new. It was in the hall, through chaplains, that he found Jesus. The day he was going to get baptized in jail he was moved out.
David and Daniel connected over the story of redemption God was working in each of their lives. They spent their first hour and a half swapping stories and discussing the meaning of baptism. A week later they were at it again, planning the details of getting baptized at YFC when another boy, Carvon, was tuning into the conversation.
Carvon also wanted to go a new way but was afraid of falling back into old habits when he returned home. He wanted to know he was living life with God’s help and not alone. Though he wanted to be baptized too, he hadn’t done it yet because he was scared he’d backslide.
David preached the gospel and helped Carvon know that God forgives all our sin in Christ, now and forevermore. He shared that becoming like Jesus is a daily process that takes time. Walk in step with God, just keep walking.
Both boys decided the time had come and David and John baptized Daniel and Carvon together. Praise God!
This was a great leg in God’s kingdom relay. Daniel’s faith began in Juvenile Hall with chaplains whose names we do not know. David took the baton and helped Daniel in his next step. Daniel’s interest in committing to the way of Jesus inspired Carvon’s next step to have the critical conversation he needed about justification and sanctification. This is Team Jesus in action.
For David, this was truly a full-circle moment because Pastor John was also the one who baptized him years ago. Now here they were in a pool with kids who David himself has been walking with. How cool is that!?
This is the great relay in God’s kingdom that we are all a part of. Working together, sharing in the harvest, and seeking God’s glory in the lives of kids. And that’s what we’ve been doing.
This last school year nearly 1,000 lost teenagers were connected in a Christ-sharing relationship and 258 of them decided to follow Jesus!
We’ve set a goal this year to connect even more kids in Christ-sharing relationships. Kids like Daniel and Carvon are out there just waiting for someone to sit and talk through their questions. Would you consider giving an extra gift this August in support of this goal? Would you pray this month specifically for the kids, volunteers and staff in the ministry?
Let’s keep this relay going, that it may be said “they learned it from YFC.”
For God’s Glory,
P.S. Been putting off making a will? Protect and steward what God’s given you today with this free, no obligation, thank you resource from YFC! Visit freewill.com/yfc.
Help a kid meet Jesus
Give an hour or two a week to spend with a teen and share Christ! Check out volunteering with Youth For Christ.

Give an hour or two a week to spend with a teen and share Christ! Check out volunteering with Youth For Christ.